We are here to answer your questions

Scroll through our FAQs below. If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, then please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.

The most frequently asked questions

If your therapist works with the Blended Clinic, he can guide you in choosing the right program. Every program has tests at the start, and they can tell you if the program is suited for your needs. And don’t hesitate to ask us if you are still hesitating after consulting your therapist.

Every program consists of 6 weeks intervals. Some programs, like Strokecoach, have a duration of 1 year to complete. Others, like Braincoach, will be dependent on the type and degree of your problems. Every program consists of measurements during your training course, so your therapist knows when a program is not having the impact anymore it should have. 

You can stop at any moment. If you are not sure you should continue, you can always consult your therapist on the best way forward.

It depends on the program, your therapist and reimbursement possibilities for your case. Ask your therapist for the specific price for your situation.

Every program is developed by medical professionals and researchers. The content is always according to internal guidelines. We also check independently the quality by measuring the effects on health and quality of life on every participant for every program. 

No, you can only be coached by a certified medical professional. The Blended Clinic offers courses for professionals, where they learn everything they need to know about specific programs. You can find certified professionals on our map (“find your location”).


Our first patients

Watch the begin story of three of our first patients


Watch Stefan getting fit after his stroke

The road to Santiago

Watch how Hildegard focuses on one very special goal after her stroke

Fashion design

Achim is training to get fit for his next fashion show

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