Specific programs for specific needs

Select a program of your interest to learn more about the possibilities.

Select the program that fits your needs:

Strokecoach - Rehab at Home

The certified program for home training after a stroke. Learn how to get fit again while being monitored by your therapist. Developed with our research and clinical partners.

Agingcoach - Healthy Aging

The evidence-based program to improve your general health and vitality. All training regimes and assessments according to the WHO guidelines. 

Braincoach - Neurofeedback

Our newest program to train the brain using state-of-the art equipment and home training programs. Intended for people with attentional, memory and mood problems. 

Interested in one of our programs?

If you are interested in participating in one of our programs, you can reach out to us by sending an email to hello@blended.clinic. Check also our section “Worth Knowing” for answers to the most common questions. 

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