Decrease your workload,
increase your impact.

Become part of our network of blended care providers

Scale up your the quality and quantity of your home therapy and training. Learn how to do it, and benefit from being a part of a larger community.

Blended Clinic is a virtual patient care concept consisting of an online portal and an app that connects doctors and therapists with patients. You can assign patients training programs to follow at home and keep track of their progress via the portal.

Pragmatic Design

The Blended Clinic is designed with and for medical professionals. Easy and fast to use.

Efficient evaluation

View and evaluate your patients' progress with one click. All assessments and program data always at your fingertips.

Scientifically grounded

Our programs are based on the latest scientific insights, and are embedded in a quality management cycle.

Seamless communication

Get just-in-time information from your patients, and reach out to them whenever needed, even in real-time.

Burdenless support

Talk and write to our helpdesk, whether it is for technical questions or you need help with one of the medical aspects.

Learning whenever you want

Our built-in Blended Academy offers courses for every program we offer, and for general themes as well.

Our three building blocks for implementing
blended care in your clinical work:

Clinical dashboard

All of your patients in one overview. Assign programs and monitor the progress of your patients. Communicate with them and use all our tools to maximize adherence.


Our learning environment

Enter all courses with one click: learn everything about blended care and data-driven therapy, as well as the essential components of each program.   


Create your own

You can use all validated content we offer, but you can also create your own questionnaires and content and offer it to your patients. 

Send Us A Message

Get In Touch


Rathsbergstrasse 26
90411 Nürnberg



+ 49 (0)221 650 854 28

Would you like to onboard the Blended Clinic as a professional?

Fill out the form or contact us directly to learn how you can use the Blended Clinic and Blended Academy.

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